Ultra-processed and highly palatable foods on the development of obesity
Ultra-processed and highly palatable foods on the development of obesity Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial
Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas
Ultra-processed and highly palatable foods on the development of obesity Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial
Molecular-genetic studies of inherited myotonic conditions in Costa Rica Introduction: Hereditary myotonias are a clinically
Prenatal care and social determinants: ecological study in Argentina Introduction: the prenatal care is a
Effectiveness of «Universal Newborn Hearing Screening program» of Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social, in detecting
(Ine)quality in Healthcare: a perspective from the accreditation of clinical laboratories in Costa Rica Introduction:
Impact in the integral health of the workers the area technology of the information who
Social Return on the investment of the elimination of the vertical transmission of Chagas, HIV
Health as a social representation: The phenomenon of health within the daily life of nicaraguan
Consumption of meat and meat products among students of the University of Costa Rica Objective:
Epidemiological aspects of COVID-19 on nursing: a retrospective analysis Objective: To analyze the epidemiological aspects