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The indigenous education in Brazil has its founding milestone in the first catechetical actions of the Jesuits in the second half of the sixteenth century. In this long trajectory up to the present day the education of the indigenous peoples that inhabit the Brazilian territory has been the object of controversies and discussions at the governmental and academic levels, which has generated numerous studies. It is in this context of the scientific production on indigenous education that the research carried out in this thesis is inserted. The research questions that guided the research were: What are the main aspects covered in the scientific literature on indigenous education considering the public education policies of the country aimed at this population? How does the scientific literature on indigenous education stem from academic theses and dissertations? The research had as general objectives: To identify and analyze the conceptual and legal bases of indigenous education in Brazil and to draw a historical panorama of the public policies directed to the indigenous population of the country; To analyze the scientific literature on indigenous education in theses and dissertations defended in the country and their respective citations through the approaches of narrative revision and bibliometry. The corpus analyzed was composed of 173 postgraduate studies defended in the country between 1996 and 2014, composed of doctoral theses (n = 72) and master’s dissertations (n= 101), as well as their respective citations (n= 8.111). As methodological approaches were adopted the narrative revision and the bibliometric approach of the analysis of citations. We chose a methodological outline composed of five studies, according to the methodologies, objectives and main results described below. Study 1, of narrative review, compelled the extensive scientific production produced by researchers dedicated to studying the subject of indigenous education published between 1975 and 2014, represented by theses and dissertations (n = 17); Books (n= 3) and collections (n= 33), articles (n = 13); Dossiers (n = 8), and scientific events (n = 9). Data were collected through retrospective and prospective searches in theses and dissertations, in SciELO and in Google Scholar. The results obtained resulted in a theoretical essay that allowed tracing the main concepts and legal aspects that underpin the research on indigenous education in the country focusing on the main views of the authors that reflected on this theme. Study 2 outlined a bibliometric view of the 173 postgraduate studies considering the following variables: profile and gender of authors and counselors; Year of defense and academic level (master’s, master’s and doctorate) of the works, areas of knowledge, institutional linkage of postgraduate programs, distribution of institutions by geographic region of the country, and ethnics focused on the works. Study 3 analyzed the citations (n= 8.111) present in the 173 postgraduate studies in order to identify the authors, the documentary typologies (books and articles); The languages of the publications; The areas of knowledge and titles cited. Study 4 analyzed the authors’ productivity (n = 2.377) and articles (n = 1.336) cited in the 173 postgraduate studies, which allowed the identification of the research front of authors from the areas of Education and Other Areas Of knowledge that make up the literature on indigenous education. Study 5 identified and analyzed the average life, obsolescence, and annual loss of the literature on indigenous education cited in postgraduate work. The results pointed out that the average lifetimes of literatures in the areas of Education (18,83 and 11,81 years for books and articles) and in the Other Areas of Knowledge (18,70 and 12,39 years for books and articles ) Being that these literatures can be considered «classic». The annual aging factor of the two areas was the same (96%) and the annual loss of both literatures was equal (4.1%). In summary, the final results confirmed the two hypotheses of this thesis, namely: first, the literature review and the results of studies 1 and 3 showed that the scientific literature that bases the research on indigenous education reflects public policies aimed at The indigenous population of the country, especially those implanted after the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988 that guaranteed to the natives the right of a differentiated education; Secondly, the results of studies 2 and 4 showed that the area of Education is the majority in the scientific production of indigenous education, yet an interdisciplinary theoretical framework based on other areas of knowledge prevails in the works, since a wide diversity of Thematic areas and a research front composed of authors quoted from various fields of knowledge. |
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