Substance dependence in Costa Rica: epidemiological and neurobiological aspects of a misunderstood disease
Substance dependence in Costa Rica: epidemiological and neurobiological aspects of a misunderstood disease Introduction: It
Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas
Substance dependence in Costa Rica: epidemiological and neurobiological aspects of a misunderstood disease Introduction: It
Major depression disorder in Costa Rica: epidemiological and neurobiological aspects Introduction: Major depression is one
Precarious Work and Health Care among Working-Class Men in Buenos Aires, Argentina Introduction: We analyze
Interrelationships between the meaning of life, physical activity, social support network, age, and gender in
COVID-19, Noncommunicable Diseases and Healthy Aging in Mexico Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed the
Trajectories of frailty and related factors of elderly people in Mexico Introduction. Frailty is an
Bioavailability of phosphorus in food and its effect in chronic kidney disease Introduction: to know
Asymmetry between recipients and donors as a health problem. Investigation of family acceptance or refusal
Confirmatory analysis of a control and pressure when eating questionnaire among mothers of Costa Rican
Evaluation of metabolic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus participating in a group