The traditional ichthyological knowledge of fishermen from the city of Barra, median region of San Francisco, state of Ba
The traditional ichthyological knowledge of fishermen from the city of Barra, median region of San
Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas
The traditional ichthyological knowledge of fishermen from the city of Barra, median region of San
The construction of the ethnozoological dominion “insect” by the inhabitants of the village of Pedra
Ethnoichthyology of artisan fishermen from Siribinha, municipality of Conde (Bahia): aspects related to the ethology
Botánica médica guahibo. plantas medicinales, mágicas y psicotrópicas utilizadas por los sikuani y cuiba (llanos
Therapeutic and prophylactic uses of invertebrates in contemporary Spanish ethnoveterinary medicine Zootherapeutic practices in ethnoveterinary
El ñandú común (Rhea americana): ¿una especie etnobiológica clave para los qom del Gran Chaco
Perception of insects by undergraduates from Feira de Santana State University, Bahia, Brazil Study developed
Saberes ancestrales sobre el uso de flora y fauna en la comunidad indígena Tikuna de
Uso da biodiversidade por populações humanas na caatinga e na Mata Atlântica, Rio Grande do
Fauna silvestre usada como animais de estimação no semiárido brasileiro This study aimed to inventory