Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: The theme chosen for this Master s thesis is the vision that the vanquished Amerindian peoples had after the invasion of the Iberian conquerors. To achieve this objective, some reports were chosen from the Aztec, Maya and Inca peoples in which their overwhelming defeat was shown. And in order to better understand the situation to which they were reduced, the principal characteristics of these three important peoples of the Americas are succinctly emphasized. Their culture, religion, art, writing, education, literature and education are studied. The grandeur of these three peoples becomes evident in these characteristics, and, in their stories, the pungent reality to which they had been reduced, after being vanquished by their conquerors, appears. After holy and just wars the Iberians tried to impose a new culture and a new religion, which led the wise Indians, after suffering the loss of their identity, to seek death. But not everything can be considered negative about the arrival of the Iberians. Along with them, came some authentic prophets who took the side of the Indians, giving their lives to the service of the Amerindian peoples.

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