Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: We report experiences from the Wakalitesu/Nambikwara community of Três Jacus village, located in the Tirecatinga Indigenous Land, municipality of Sapezal-MT. The Wakalitesu indigenous group speaks a language belonging to the South Nambikwara family and is currently living in a multiple linguistic and ethnic context, due to their coexistence with other Nambikwara groups ̶ Halotesu, Mamaindê and Negarote ̶ , and with speakers of languages belonging to other linguistic families ̶ , Iranxe, Manoki and Paresi. In this plural ethnic context, most of the residents of the Three Jacus community call themselves Wakalitesu. Their desire is to promote and strengthen the indigenous language in the community and at school. With this intent, we were invited by some leaders of the Three Jacus village to give them linguistic support. In this perspective, we have proposed to combine linguistic research, developed by UFMT researchers, with a continuing education for the Wakalitesu teachers, providing the organization of meetings, workshops and seminars.

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