Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: The specialists on Didactic and Cultural Studies define Creative Writing as a useful instrument to analyse the impact that stereotypes, present in the Children’s literature or juvenile literature, have in the collective imaginary of teenagers around the world. This text aspires to show the results obtained within the course of Oral and Written Expression (October-December 2014) at the Technical University of Loja, in which, by writing essays, poetry, tales and plays, the students show the way in which archetypes and literary motifs learned during their childhood have influenced their conception of the other and themselves. Additionally, this paper aims to show the way in which local culture and the perception of miscegenation have influenced in the creation of a cultural syncretism that combines Ecuadorian idiosyncrasy and foreign values. Consequently, this research will focus on the analyses of four stereotypes: the prince charming, the indigenous, the feminine protagonist, the evil woman. 

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