Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: This article problematizes the forgeries and/or negative stereotypes about Indian people and the politic implications from the writers about the guarani cacique Ñheçu in the sixteenth century. We intend, from this, the construction of a dialectical text, based on the comparison of selected works for studies. We crave a careful verification, critical, and a possible resignification of the facts that surrounds the Indian we are studying. We seek to look through another angle how the figure of cacique Ñheçu is represented in the Brazilian literature: Os Três Mártires Rio-Grandenses, from the Jesuit Luis Gonzaga Jaeger. We also questioned the ambivalences and contradictions listed in the works nominated above, contributing to future researches, in view of the information scarcity about the Ñheçu cacique. The theoretical elements to support this discussion were: concepts of comparative literature, territorialization and decolonialism applied to religious and geopolitical works from the Jesuit mission.

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