Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: This research was conducted in the parish Pasa, Canton Ambato, Tungurahua Province; it began with an analysis of bibliographic information to substantiate the theoretical framework oriented understanding of food sovereignty, agroecology and food systems. Then, secondary data were collected in different institutional sources, with the context of the research area was analyzed, related to geographic, environmental, social, cultural, economic, productive and political aspects. It was then performed and systematized fieldwork, where the primary information on the conditions of production, processing, circulation and consumption patterns of food, through interviews, informal discussions, participant observation, and observation transects tour extracted. All this information is consolidated according to the data obtained in the field and the respective analysis according to the subjects was performed. Finally, the consolidation of information, the respective conclusions and recommendations for the final report was made.

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