Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Clustering, dispersion and sociodemographics characteristics in the spatial incorporation of Peruvians migrants in Córdo

Clustering, dispersion and sociodemographics characteristics in the spatial incorporation of Peruvians migrants in Córdoba, Argentina

Transitional Delays and Social Vulnerability in Contemporary Population Dynamic. Argentina, 2001-2013

Transitional Delays and Social Vulnerability in Contemporary Population Dynamic. Argentina, 2001-2013 This article explores the

Human rights indicators in public policy against dengue in Argentina: a pending challenge

Human rights indicators in public policy against dengue in Argentina: a pending challenge The work

Access and health care services in adolescents from public schools of Nuevo León, Mexico

Access and health care services in adolescents from public schools of Nuevo León, Mexico Objective:

Infant and preschool mortality in the state of Baja California. Analysis of bio-demographic constraints related to reprod

Infant and preschool mortality in the state of Baja California. Analysis of bio-demographic constraints related

Stature prediction equations from the knee height for elderly in Costa Rica

Stature prediction equations from the knee height for elderly in Costa Rica The stature is