Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

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Identification of chromosomal aberrations in a Costa Rican children population with idiopathicintellectual disability

The prevalence of intellectual disability (ID) in the global population is 3%. One of the most frequent cause of ID are chromosome aberrations, which are easily detected by a karyotype. However, many of these maygoundetected during a conventional cytogenetic analysis because of their length.These sm…

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Detalles Bibliográficos

Abarca Ramírez, Melissa

Morales Montero, Fernando

Vindas Smith, Rebeca

Ortiz Morales, Fernando

Castro Volio, Isabel
Tipo de recurso: artículo
Estado: Versión publicada
Fecha de publicación: 2021
País: Costa Rica
Institución: Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio: Portal de Revistas UCR
Idioma: español
OAI Identifier:
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Access Level: acceso abierto
Palabra clave: Subtelomeres
Molecular cytogenetics
Marker chromosome
Citogenètica molecular
Cromosoma marcado

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Creative Commons

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