Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

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Autor :  Trujillo Muñoz, Alma Hilda
García Balmori, José Raymundo
Fecha de publicación :  3-jul-2012
Resumen :  velopment of the environment compatible, this does not lack importance since according to the “Ley de Desarrollo Urbano del Distrito Federal” to reform the 11 of august of 2006, in Article no. 2 it emphasizes like a priority of this federal organization the one to improve the quality of life of the urban population as much rural; for it the section VI of the article before mentioned, it say “is necessary to avoid the slumses in the areas of greater vulnerability, the risky areas and the areas of conservation”.
With this antecedent the present work will show since they have come populating the Parque Nacional del Cerro de la Estrella in Iztapalapa, D.F., losing a great amount of lands that were dedicated to the relaxation and cultural patrimony of the inhabitants of this city; the previous thing due to the lack of application of the laws that regulate
the care of these areas, on the part of the authorities in charge to administer this one park.
Through Chapter I it is possible to be observed that this city presents displays different types from problems, nevertheless has ignored the conservation of the spaces that regulate and improve the environmental conditions in this city, have neglected the National Parks and the Zones of Ecological Reserve and it is observed that step by step
this city requires of each one of the environmental factors serve that us to improve necessary the ecological levels for a better standard of life their habitants.
The theoretical references of some city planners dedicated to the study of the irregular slumses, give a clear idea us of how the needs of house of the different population groups have exerted a great pressure to become of lands dedicated to the ecological conservation and this way the original ground uses were transformed into urban ground,
with respective the lost one of lands, that will not be able to be recovered for their original use. Also references of international organisms appear that regulate the agreements on well-taken care of and protection of the environment and as our country has been participating in these meetings, without the results in these agreements
for the preservation of our surroundings in this city are seen.
In Chapter III an Urban presentation becomes of the Development that has come giving in the Distrito Federal taking into account its inhabitable spaces and the Natural Areas Protected describing the importance that has these last ones in the conservation of the environmental factors that affect this metropolis, also is made an historical description of the Delegación Iztapalapa, along with its characteristic physical boundary and Fisiográfics, along with the description socio-economic and dynamic of the zone of study.
In the following chapter also the decrees of creation of the park and the different modifications in a matter of administration and monitoring from the areas on the part of the governmental authorities are described and analyzed from federal and local level; also the different programs from development, norms and criteria to regulate
the activities within the National Park appear to try to conserve these areas and to avoid majors losses of lands dedicated to the conservation of environmental factors in this zone of study.
During Chapter V a revision to the present legal frame was realised that regulates the administration of the national parks and other areas of ecological conservation. In order to know that restrictions mark each of these laws for the irregular establishments within Protected Natural areas, as well as its different punitive actions in case of
affecting the natural conditions of the parks.
In the final chapter a detailed description is done of the zone of study considering the conditions that existed to the present time from their creation; a series of maps of the zone with a graphic description of the reaches appears that have come giving in a matter of irregular establishments and a description from the parts affected per periods
of 10 years of the zone of study.
The transformation of the urban image of the Parque Nacional del Cerro de la Estrella went away giving step by step and with the course of the time, the original proprietors were changing the ground uses for residential use with ejidatarios of the zone; later the particular land regulations were realised with the participation of local and federal
organizations. Within the limits of the park there are three types of possession of the land: a federal archaeological zone, ejidos and particular proprietors, these elements were not taken into account at the time of the creation of the
The urgent necessity arises therefore to control the excessive growth of the great city with the clear boundary of the urban area and the ground of conservation, along with an administration it is transparent that it avoids the deterioration of these zones and conducts battle for its recovery.
Descripción :  Analizar las condiciones que propiciaron la ocupación de asentamientos irregulares en el Parque Nacional del
Cerro de la Estrella a pesar de estar considerado como una reserva natural ecológica, además de identificar el papel
que jugaron las diferentes autoridades en este proceso y de los distintos grupos sociales involucrados en el proceso
de regularización de la tenencia de la tierra.
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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