Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

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Autor :  Auvinet Guichard, Gabriel
Juárez Camarena, Moisés
Rodríguez Barrón, Martha Elena
Fecha de publicación :  3-jul-2012
Resumen :  In this paper a brief description about geotechnical characteristics of ex-Texcoco lake
subsoil is presented. The description is based in physic and geographic information and
particularly in geotechnical borings information. This information is integrated using a
Geographic Information System.
For other hand, the spatial distribution of typical layers subsoil is made using geostatistical
techniques, as result, a set of contour maps of depth and thickness of typical layers subsoil
is presented. Also, some examples of analyses of spatial distribution of soil properties
(water content and resistance of cone penetration test) along of preferential axes are
A 3D model for typical layers subsoil is made using advanced tools for plotting. Also, some
examples of multivariate geostatistical are presented. This examples show as the
Cokriging techniques allow to get estimates of one soil property from the data of same
property and other one of different type but both correlated.
As result, a detailed geotechnical zoning map for ex Texcoco Lake subsoil and their
influence areas is presented.
Descripción :  El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una caracterización del subsuelo del ex Lago de
Texcoco a través de una evaluación detallada de las condiciones geotécnicas de la zona
con la aplicación de la geoestadística y el manejo de Sistemas de Información Geográfica
de Sondeos Geotécnicos (SIG-SG).
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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