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Fecha de publicación :  2-jul-2012
Resumen :  Light pollution is the brightness or glare of light in the night sky caused by the reflection and diffusion of artificial light in gases and particles from the air by the use of inadequate lighting and/or excess lighting is problematic in Mexico has not been elucidated precisely in its environmental legal and regulatory framework, and specifically its relationship to the existing public lighting energy saving programs, regardless of its negative effects by lighting flora and fauna of protected natural areas.
His negative effects to the environment are diverse, not to use proper lighting and lamps, about the uprising took place in the polygon data of study site in the town of San Miguel Topilejo in Tlalpan Distrito Federal, which borders Tetequilo the hill which is a protected area, and having carried out a census was obtained that there are 352 lights that consume 64,204.80 Kwh/mes, discharging into the atmosphere by 221.11 tons of CO2/year consumption of fossil fuels used to generate electricity, and in light pollution
control is output 3,998,290 lumens (lm).
In this regard, I propose to make the change of 352 lights with shields have a lighting angle no greater than 800, would impact get 47% more useful light in areas between 0 and 30 meters, and installing vapor lamps high pressure sodium, which are those with greater life span and its spectrum of light visible to humans is higher, coupled with its low power consumption, with an installed load: 337,075.2 kWh/year, and avoiding the escape(fugue) of 4,301,440 lm, towards the sky and zone of ecological conservation and reducing of this form the light pollution with luminous of 47 %.
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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