Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Investigación de metabolitos secundarios en plantas medicinales con efecto Hipoglicemiante y determinación del Cromo co

Investigación de metabolitos secundarios en plantas medicinales con efecto Hipoglicemiante y determinación del Cromo como

Effect of Acupuncture as Complementary Therapy for Patients with Essential Hypertension a Clinical Reseach Protocol

Effect of Acupuncture as Complementary Therapy for Patients with Essential Hypertension a Clinical Reseach Protocol

The effects of Heidelberg Scalp Acupuncture on obstructive sleep apnea. – A Preliminar Study –

The effects of Heidelberg Scalp Acupuncture on obstructive sleep apnea. – A Preliminar Study –

Effect of Heidelberg scalp acupuncture on the cognitive function of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease patients &

Effect of Heidelberg scalp acupuncture on the cognitive function of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease

Efeito da Auriculoterapia na Perturbação de Ansiedade Generalizada. Estudo Prospectivo, Randomizado, Controlado e Cego

Efeito da Auriculoterapia na Perturbação de Ansiedade Generalizada. Estudo Prospectivo, Randomizado, Controlado e Cego Detalles

Effect of acupuncture on pain intensity and grip strengh in symptomatic rhizarthrosis

Effect of acupuncture on pain intensity and grip strengh in symptomatic rhizarthrosis Detalles Bibliográficos Autor:

Acupuncture in the treatment of plantar heel pain. A prospective, randomized, controlled study design

Acupuncture in the treatment of plantar heel pain. A prospective, randomized, controlled study design Detalles

Immediate effect of acupuncture on poststroke patients with spastic upper lim hemiparesis

Immediate effect of acupuncture on poststroke patients with spastic upper lim hemiparesis Detalles Bibliográficos Autor:

TCM Diagnoses in Temporomandibular Disorders – A Prerequisite for the Development of Optimised Prospective, Randomi

TCM Diagnoses in Temporomandibular Disorders – A Prerequisite for the Development of Optimised Prospective, Randomised

Efeitos Agudos da Acupunctura na Disfunção Temporomandibular: Desenho de um Estudo e Estudo Preliminar

Efeitos Agudos da Acupunctura na Disfunção Temporomandibular: Desenho de um Estudo e Estudo Preliminar Detalles