Los nuevos pintores y las formas modernas
Los nuevos pintores y las formas modernas 1...
Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas
Este Trabajo final de maestría da un viaje por el tiempo de tres vías de comunicación terrestres en el Occidente antioqueño. De estas tres vías que son conocidas como el Camino del Virrey, la Vieja Carretera al Mar y la Nueva Carretera al Mar, se busca que las dos primeras se reconozcan como parte del patrimonio cultural de la región y nacional. Para el reconocimiento de vías patrimoniales se da un recorrido histórico de la proyección y construcción de las mismas, desde la época prehispánica, pasando por la colonial hasta llegar a la republicana, y hoy desde el siglo XXI. Además de episodios históricos, y las relaciones con las sociedades indígenas y mestizas, también la determinación del territorio, que intentan hacer las distintas legislaciones, están presentes en este estudio de un camino y dos carreteras en el occidente antioqueño
Abstract: This final work with emphasis in deepening, of the Master in Urban – Regional Studies, is oriented to present some investigations that until now have been carried out on the study of a socio – spatial phenomenon, as they are mainly a way and a way of terrestrial and specific communication within certain temporalities. From this inquiry, and the personal analysis of these communication routes in the department of Antioquia, from urban and regional environments, accompanied by the study of some primary and secondary sources considered thus within the discipline of history, is that it is proposed the deepening presented below. From the discipline of history the study is mainly made of two terrestrial ways of communication, and one last way in a more general way, its emergence, planning, history and socio – economic interests, which allowed and allow the appropriation of geography, and also the permanence or modification of the routes and roles of these routes. The objectives of the work are, first, to reaffirm the unquestionable presence of history as a discipline in the study of territorial planning. As part of the secondary objectives, the aim is to teach the appropriation of the territory at different times through the tracing and use of paths that became paths, and then became roads. Another secondary objective is to indicate why the west of the department of Antioquia was chosen for the projection and use of these terrestrial communication routes. The third objective is to point out how the legislation that has been made over time on these routes was and has been, from the time of the colony to the present. A fourth objective, which can be considered basic for the appropriation and significance of these roads over time, is the study of the location of these roads as part of the cultural heritage of the country. At different times, for different routes, from strategic, political and material interests were built and used the so-called the Way of the Viceroy, the Old Road to the Sea and the New Road to the Sea or the Way to the West The development of the work is divided into five chapters, with their respective subdivisions. The first of them, Theoretical Framework, has two subdivisions, where the history of the roads is developed in a context more than the universal ancient history and the pre-Hispanic era, later it is centered more on Colombia and Antioquia. These subdivisions are named The paths in history and development and The communication routes in Colombia and in Antioquia through history. In the second chapter, the Methodology, presents the type of sources from which the information used in the construction of this Work was extracted. Also the type of reading that was given to this information, and its orientation, which would be the study of communication routes in the department. In the third chapter, From the Way of the Viceroy to the ways of modernity, the so-called Way of the Viceroy is analyzed in different historical periods. Through history and territory, a reading is made from pre-Hispanic times to the present, of geography, uses, economy, connections, debates, policies, roles, journey and current events. aroused around the Way of the Viceroy. In this chapter we try to demonstrate how the pre-Hispanic roads allowed the conservation of the work and the vestiges of the indigenous communities, the materials that they used for their construction and the roles that they maintained in some moments of the prehispanic era. There is also the general description of the geography of the Department of Antioquia, and the justification, therefore, of special conditions in the landscape that led to these communities the abundant and relatively easy encounter of metals, such as gold, and minerals, as salt, and the use of prehispanic roads in pursuit of these. This chapter takes a tour of the reading that the Europeans made of the roads in these territories. It is important to emphasize this interpretation or perception, because because of it, we know part of the farthest past of our indigenous communities and their customs. In the presentation of the prehispanic roads, among them, and on which a large part of this work is centered, is the Way of the Viceroy, which can be taken as a forerunner of the routes that, in the attempt of a modernization of the country, would connect later to two populated points such as Medellín and Santa Fe de Antioquia. The recognition of the pre-Hispanic roads raises an inquiry and staging of questions about the confirmation or denial of pre-Hispanic roads in Latin America, Colombia, and more specifically in this department of Antioquia. It is also almost a reference to a debate in which some authors, from their work, accept or reject these ways and their elaboration by indigenous people. In this same chapter we find the staging of terrestrial communication roads, or roads, in the periods of the conquest, colony and the first eras of the Republic. Situation in which many times the attention is called by the imposed necessity of exploitation of the mines in the department, this more by the economic and power interests of the Old Continent, than by the ceremonial ritual with which our ancestors used this brilliant and golden metal. In the fourth chapter, The Western Ways in the Country Interconnection and Globalization, two communication routes are studied, the Old Road to the Sea and the New Road to the Sea or the Way to the West. The geography that accompanies these two roads, the roles they have had over time, the journeys, their legal status, and the responsibility that represents being part of a national project rather than a regional or local, is what is studied of them. The attempt of modernization and the one of the inclusion of the country in the globalization makes that roads are constructed in the Republic, this serves to draw the attention on socio – economic factors and of interconnection of a territory in the time, and that is why They can raise interests about the study of the discipline of history in the planning of these communication routes. The previous chapters lead us to raise the relevance of two roads, such as the Way of the Viceroy and the Old Road to the Sea, as part of the nation’s cultural heritage. The fifth chapter. The Ways of Heritage, a continuity of stories and meanings over time, is the journey through historical justifications, Colombian legislation, including POTs at different times, and some regional and local measures, the need to recognize, value and sustain these roads as cultural heritage in Colombia. Cultural tourism is also suggested as a possible strategy to recognize and safeguard these roads. Finally, there are the Conclusions of the work, and the Annexes where you can find some more specific developments, tables with important information, legislation on roads, key locations and periodization of roles. The texts that result in this work of deepening are accompanied by images or maps, where these journeys are exposed at different times, and some particularities of them
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Los nuevos pintores y las formas modernas 1...
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