Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: This paper presents a method to determine, approximately, the more appropriated position in a terrain represented by a digital elevation model to build a dam such that the generated reservoir can keep a given volume of water. The position will be selected considering points in a river and will be made based on the dam construction cost and environmental impacts. The idea is to define an objective function that should me minimized. The flooded area is determined using the basic drainage network, that is, the flow direction and accumulation flow. The first step is to compute the dam height, direction and length using the river direction and the elevation matrix. Next, the flooded area is obtained applying a breadth first search to compute the connected component of the point in the river where the dam will be build. In fact, the flooded area is a subset of the connected component of the river point composed by all points whose elevation is no higher than the dam height and are in the river upstream. After knowing the flooded region, the reservoir capacity is calculated using a new method simpler and more accurate than the methods described in the literature. Finally, given the candidate points where is possible to build a dam that generates a reservoir with a desired capacity (or more), the points are evaluated considering some factors as: financial cost to build the dam, the reservoir area surface, the reservoir will flood urban, indian, forest areas, etc. The points analysis is done using the Pareto-optimal classification. The proposed method is tested using data captured by Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The main contributions of this work are: the dam direction, length and height are automatically determined, the reservoir capacity is computed using a simpler and more precise method (using the terrain with good resolution) and the more appropriated river position where to build a dam is approximately determined considering an objective function that can be adjusted by the user.

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