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Tipo de Material:  Tesis doctoral
Título :  Rent and the State: An Approach to the Ecuadorian Oil Booms and Their Impact on Social Formation
Autor :  Alarcón Cevallos, Pedro José
Asesor de Tesis:  Peters, Stefan (Dir.)
Fecha de Publicación :  mar-2021
Ciudad: Editorial :  Quito, Ecuador : Flacso Ecuador
Cita Sugerida :  Alarcón Cevallos, Pedro José. 2021. Rent and the State: An Approach to the Ecuadorian Oil Booms and Their Impact on Social Formation. Tesis doctoral, Flacso Ecuador.
Descriptores / Subjects :  ESTADO
Paginación:  268 p.
Resumen / Abstract :  The dissertation presents a discussion on the consequences of the state’s developmental endeavor in Ecuador during the last half-century. The diachronic comparative approach of two oil booms, 1) 1972-1980, and 2) 2003-2014, shows continuities and ruptures in the state’s capacity to intervene in the national development process. State’s struggle with multinational oil companies for the appropriation of a larger portion of oil rent became the milestone of the first Ecuadorian oil boom. Since then, oil rent has been central to capitalist modernization. Environmental thinking and social environmental awareness were deeply entrenched in the sociopolitical arena during the second Ecuadorian oil boom and decisively contributed to expose the flaws of the prevalent natural resources-based development model.
Copyright:  openAccess
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Aparece en las colecciones: Economía – Tesis Doctorados

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