From part terms to class terms: Grammaticalization of meronyms in noun classifiers in Yanomama
Sumario: Terms for body parts are an important source of grammaticalization of noun classifiersin Yanomama.
Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas
Sumario: Terms for body parts are an important source of grammaticalization of noun classifiersin Yanomama.
The phonological reconstruction of the proto-language of Kaingáng, São Paulo Kaingáng, Xokléng and Ingain (all
Sumario: This article deals with derivational processes of the Xerente language (Jê family). We show
Sumario: The current paper describes the deictic system of Kamaiurá, a language of the Tupí-Guaraní
Sumario: Se discute una hipótesis sobre la relación genética de tres lenguas y familias del
Sumario: A history of Andean-Amazonian relations within Peruvian territory underlies the Quechua word for salt,
Sumario: All languages provide to its speakers mechanisms for expressing a command. The way in
Sumario: La pédagogie de projet est souvent présentée comme un aboutissement de ce que pourrait
I present memories of research activities and teaching of two languages once spoken in the
En las lenguas de la familia Pano una serie de construcciones adjuntas (que expresan lugar,