Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Notes on the causative-comitative voice in Kaiowá and Guajajára

Sumario: The expression of the causative-comitative voice in Kaiowá and Guajajára is described. It is

Gender and classificatory suffixes of discretization in Ocaina (Witoto)

Ocaina has both gender markers and classificatory discretization suffixes (cf. classifiers), areal and typological feature

La posesión externa en Mazahua

Sumario: The constructions of external possession in mazahua are coded as dative suffix; these structures

Pivô Semântico, Tópico e Foco em Avá-Canoeiro do Tocantins (família Tupí-Guaraní)

Sumario: This study deals with three elements of the Tocantins River variety os the Avá-Canoeiro

Nomes de Parentesco da Língua Tembé: Problemas de Tradução

Sumario: We deal with the translation of kinship terms from the Tembé language to Brazilian

Metáforas Xerente (Jê)

Sumario: As metáforas podem ser categorizadas em diferentes tipos: de imagéticas e conceituais a puramente

Algumas Culturas Ceramistas, do Noroeste do Pantanal do Guaporé à Encosta e Altiplano Sudoeste do Chapadão dos Parecis

Sumario: Nossa pesquisa por vínculos culturais materiais à Fase Bacabal, conduziu-nos até o Período Formativo

Metáfora das emoções Kaiowá

This paper presents a description of some metaphorical linguistic expressions that encode emotions and feelings

Tupinambá Vocabulary of Arcano del Mare by Sir Robert Dudley (1661)

Sumario: Sir Robert Dudley (August 7, 1574 – September 6, 1649) was an illegitimate son

The system of nominal classes in the Saliba Language

Sumario: One of the main features of the Saliba language is a distinct nominal class