Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: William Burroughs was a beat writer known by his intense relation with psychoactive substances and by his effusive critics over values with universal claims. Together with his beat friends, he invented a lifestyle that confronted the United States society of his days by certain material divestment and the incorporation of cultural elements and social types considered morally reprehensible, rejected or stigmatized such as junkies, gays, blacks and indigenous people. Among the beats, friendship was a way of life invention. Burroughs presents his courage of truth by clashing with the prohibitionism, attacking the medical concept of addiction and elaborating a life from knowledges and techniques of the users of psychoactive substances. In literature, he has been known by an intense experimentation of forms of writing and by his reflections about virus, control and language. Writing has gone through his life, first as a way of transforming the horror at the accident that culminated in his wife Joan Vollmer s death, passing by the transformation of the subject in Junky and as everyday exercises to elaborate a thought by images and a space-silence writing. He elaborated a life against controls and viruses. This research deals with Burroughs s scripture-life by means of the genealogy and the Michel Foucault s notion of aesthetics of existence from two issues: drugs and language. It is an analysis about the life elaboration of William Burroughs and a work from his existence

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