Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: The expression of the causative-comitative voice in Kaiowá and Guajajára is described. It is one of the five typical Tupi-Guarani voice expressions. The analysis of the causative-comitative voice in these two languages ​​was inspired by Rodrigues (1953), the linguist who described for the first time and properly the function of the cognate morpheme in a Tupi-Guaraní language, Tupinambá. In the present study, we have shown that the causative-comitative morpheme in Kaiowá and Guajajára has more allomorphs than the ones reported to date in the studies on these two languages. As described in Barbosa (2017), the causative-comitative morpheme in Kaiowá has 11 allomorphs: ero-, ro-, no-, era-, ra-, er-, r-, gwer-, gwero-, gwera-, gweno -; already the causative-comitative in Guajajára has 9 allomorphs: eru-, ru-, enu-, era-, ra-, er-, r-, wera-, weru-. The allomorphism of the Kaiowá and the Guajajára causative-comitative morpheme must be considered in the documentation and linguistic description that is aimed at strengthening the use of these languages.

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