Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: Introduction Although female empowerment has been approached from different perspectives, it is recognized that the most studied element is access and control of economic resources, through their insertion into the labor market. Approaching female empowerment exclusively from an economic perspective is an incorrect concept since empowerment is effective equality in all areas of life. Objective The objective of this document is to distinguish the relationship that exists between the multiple factors that constitute female empowerment, either as drivers or inhibitors, through the structural analysis of networks. Method Given the nature of the data and the objective pursued by this work, the methodology used is network analysis, based on theoretical information from 42 works that refer to female empowerment, gender stereotypes at work, and gender studies. Results In the female empowerment process, the close environment plays a particularly important role. The most prominent elements and those that most frequently affect the study of female empowerment are the ability to save, control of economic resources, invisible work, and subordination in a family business. Conclusions Social constructs continue to restrict and discriminate decision-making power and female participation in homes and communities, which leads to the reproduction of patriarchal relationships and gender inequality. The incorporation of women into the labor market is shown as an opportunity and as a driver for female empowerment.

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