Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: Suicide has already been studied by different theorists, among the classics stand out Marx, Durkheim and Freud. However, in relation to the state of Roraima, very little literature has on the subject, despite the epidemiological data point to relevant numbers. According to WHO, Brazil occupies the eighth position in the suicide ranking. Roraima one of the five states with the highest incidence and its capital, Boa Vista is in first place growing numbers of cases. From 2010 to 2016, according to the State Department of Health, in Roraima were recorded 1,020 situations involved with the search for their own death: 252 refer to suicides (190 men and 62 women killed) and 768 attempts to kill themselves, from 485 were performed by women and 283 by men. In fact, Roraima has the largest proportion of indigenous people in the country, in relative numbers, has the highest rate of violence against women, and is marked by migratory processes. The hypothesis that guided the research was that there is a correlation between the political inequalities that exist in the state (gender, race and class), the migratory processes and the suicide phenomenon. Therefore, a qualitative research was conducted, with psychoanalytical framework, with people who are treated in a public health service in Boa Vista, migrants or children of migrants and who attempted suicide, seeking to understand what impelled them to perform such act and the correlation. among the factors mentioned above. The links between macrostructural, intersubjective and subjective factors that could have contributed to the fact that they sought death as a strategy to face lived dilemmas were analyzed, based on the narratives of three users of a CAPS in Boa Vista. And as a result, some intersections between these phenomena of suicide, migration and political inequalities were perceived: they can represent an attack on the bonds, impact the mental health of the subject and his peers, and bring in themselves a certain degree of psychological distress. sense of nonbelonging. Migration and political inequalities can lead to unsustainable suffering, which only death could cure. Keywords: suicide, migration, inequalities, bond.

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