Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: The interior of the forest is where the Hupd’äh, indigenous group of the Upper Rio Negro, Amazonas state, Brazil, feel safe and happy and it is to hunting camps that many families go at times of plenty. When perambulating in the forest, whether to collect fruit or vines, hunt, or visit relatives in other communities, is really a moment of happiness, a time when Hupd’äh feel completely at ease. Generally, the food supply decreases during the months between June- July and November-December, when fruits of the forest are scarce and there is less possibility of catching game, leading to a period of food shortage. This paper aims to present an analysis of Hupd’äh relationship with their territory, paying attention to the notion of “living well” as it emerges from analysis of data collected during an ethnographic experience among Hupd’äh, as well as from the ethnological literature on the region.

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