Sumario: |
The focus of this dissertation is the question of Tupinambá s body through the Jean de Léry s traveller seeing, in his writ, Histoire d un Voyage faict en la terre du Brésil, in other words, the traveller narration of the XVI century about the meeting with the New World and his contribuition for the body construction of the brasilian indian, the other. Opening in that way a discussion about the possibility of a control action or a domestication of the Tupinambá social body that could be hidden in Léry s writ with the intention for conquest. And even the dimension of Léry s contribuition for the construction through the verbal imagery about the indian social body during the begining of Brasil history and its continuities on ours contemporary time. And how this writ takes a handling of agent into the domestication mechanisms and european conquest on the question of the savage body construction. Particularizing what is envolving on the body knowledges that opening the modern concept found in the discourse of the traveller literature writing of the XVI century. A reflextion about a modern body historicity is opening with the New World discovery and how the process investigation lead to the question of the occidental body normatization, as well, to the meeting of others realities that concern about the relation between body and society, that promote a reation for separation and crash because of the unexpected and the impossibility of understanding the unknown. A game of assimilations and resistances emerges from the body policy executed between civilized and savage . The theoretical matter for this historygraphy investigation puts Léry into a dialogue between Michel de Certeau, Frank Lestringant and Tzvetan Todorov, upon the academic treatment about the meeting with the Tupinambá during the XVI century. We ll take too the study of the brazilian antropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, who investigates the Araweté tribe of Amazônia, the last Tupinambá survivors during the XXI century. These authors refletion indicates a investigation that open specifics discussions: a brasilian state of exception established during the conquest period and his consequences above the construction of a imaginary ontology about the brasilian indian and in the manner how the savage body was simbolized, vestiges that are extended to the contemporary time |
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