Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: This paper intends to present some aspects that favored the arrival of Christianity Baptist in Belem, in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In addition, a description will be the town, pointing out some factors that led to the immigration of Eurico Nelson. It is a Swedish Baptist who came to «live by faith» in a dense city clearly the process of exploitation of rubber in your scenario that allowed the movement of people from many different nationalities, besides the man himself coming from Amazon, which bears a strong Indian heritage. Far will be a cut of the first six years of activity in the city of Nelson Eurico, analyzing their religious activities in this cultural context so different from his, as a starting point for understanding the fabric of everyday Baptist emerging Pará That is, there a suspicion that the Baptists of Belém do Pará, in the history of implementation of this church, some features are covered by their traditional historiography, which probably arise from the dynamics of inclusion in this specific urban context.

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