Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: With this study we aim at contributing to the discursive reflections on the national language and identity constitution. In order to reach this purpose, we based our study upon the interpretation (ORLANDI, 1996) of the Indians Directory as well as their inscriptions in the History of linguistic ideas in Brazil as a motive to think about the language concepts (national and mother), idiom, identification, identity and subject. We had the theory of Discourse Analysis as a base to reach our aim, represented, amongst others, by Pêcheux (2002; 1999; 1997a) and Orlandi (2002a; 2002b; 2001c; 1996) and also having the works of Mariani (2004; 2001; 1997) about the Colonization, the Indians Directory and the XVIII Century Literary Academics as fundamental principles. This documental and bibliographic research with the support of the lessons proceeding from a variety of knowledge fields interprets the Directory as a discursive event (PÊCHEUX, 2002), indicating that it, once registered in our discursive memory, is a base for the constitution of the Portuguese Language speaker subject identifications which happens in Brazil. From the discussions of Brazilian colonization effects, as well as from the Directory intervention we defend that due to the linguistic event that is a remark in our constitution as Brazilian people in Portuguese Language, this language imposes itself in the One place, restraining the possibility of a nation be formed in One national language, not an illusion of uniformity (official idiom), but an effect of the symbolic which enables a mother/father tongue. Moreover, it was possible for us to indicate: a) the possibility of the discourse work be guided by the reflection on the subject identification effects to the discursive memory; b) the identification as the constitutive process of interpretation; c) the discourse interpretation as an identification effect follows a way determined by the institutional and constitutive memories, but it is also, at the same time, affected by the possibility of interpretation moments dependent on the language game in history; d) the identification as an access way to the subject, to the language game in history and to the effects of unconscious; e) the subject, determined by the language, based on identification has different moments of interpretation ; f) the identity demands, in order to be characterized, an awareness which in a pendulous movement between the external (Other) and the internal (I) characterizes this last one as a unique being, similar to others and different from the Other. However, what moves the election of an Other in this process comes from the order of the unconscious and is part of the identification process; g) from the discursive memory the subjects, by identification, establish identities. This work brings forward, in this base how inscriptions that the Directory authorizes in the memory and that are considered as signs for our national identity, discursive sequences that: a) indicate a distinguished treatment which must be given to the Indians, considered inapt to be run alone; b) authorize the repression and/or the negation of indigenous culture; c) authorize the idea of a supremacy dependent on the colour of skin; d) authorize the assumption of Catholic Christian Doctrine as a base for the society which was in constitution. The analysis indicated imbricated relations among the concepts of identity, identification and subject which forward to new studies.

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