Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: The purpose of the study and research The Poetical Orality in the novels of the XIX century: Iracema and The Guarani provided us a reading enlightening the poetical orality, in prose and rhyme. Talk and writing combined are submitted to a double linguistic and literary examination, involving double aspects, to make known: the talk, the characters, the semantics layers, structural stylish means (language, image, sonority) of the syntagma narration. The orality opens its cleavage to poetical reading of novels, making dialogue talk and writing, at the historical moment of the Brazilian romantism, between critics and changes, when writing should substitute its traditional sovereignity by the specificity of the native Brazilian talk blended with Portuguese language. In the first chapter, we approach the influence of poetical orality in use and application into prosaical speech of representation, discursiveness without generical boundary, taking into account the national novel in constitution by a set of stylish unities. In the second chapter, we clarify the nature of prosaical language and of poetical one and the specifics proceedings to the double orality and writing, in the native novel. In conclusives expressions the emphasis will be given to native poetical orality with Jose de Alencar and his interference in romantism since the saga novel and poetry, shaping the origin of the Brazilian national novel. In our reckonning, José de Alencar and his native novel, begin a polemic regarding mixing form of the romance style, that he called essay, to be continued thru our research and purpose, in our dissertation, just as a conclusion

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