Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: The present work had as objective to analyze the school education in the Kaingang community of the Indigenous Land of Marrecas, from the pedagogical practices developed in the Indigenous State School Cacique Otávio dos Santos, in order to realize if the cultural elements of the community are present in the school and of how they are approached in the direction of their reaffirmation and valorization. It was used the ethnography for its realization and this work was based on the studies of André (1995), under contributions of Barth (2000) and Cunha (2009) in his discussions on culture and preceded by documentary research to review the legislation on Indigenous Education , in Federal scope as well as in Parana State, regard to cultural aspects, in order to understand the advances that have occurred since the 1988 Constitution, in order to reflect and perceive the impacts of this legislation, and its actions taken in offerring of School Education to indigenous communities. In addition to this revision of the legal basis, a bibliographical research on the historical, cultural and cosmological aspects of the Kaingang people was carried out based on Freire (2000), Mota (2009), Faustino (2008), Tommasino (2003) and Veiga , Santos (2006), Fernandes (2003), Meliá (1979), Taassinari (2001), among others. The ethnographic research was increased through interviews, conversations, observation notes and other aspects that make up the immersion in the field of research. These interviews were carried out with the Kaingang teachers and employees, as well as other village subjects and it showed the importance attributed to the school by the community, as well as the presence of Kaingang cultural aspects in the pedagogical practices developed by the community, although with incipient participation of these subjects in their planning and execution, considering that the recognition of the learning processes inherent in the legislation, as other aspects of a specific, differentiated, intercultural and bilingual education, as discussed in the literature, but which still need to guide the dialogue between the school and the community.

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