Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: This work takes the nomadic as an object of study or semi-nomadic (in the point of view of the white) or migration (in the point of view of the Indian) of the tribal etnia known like Guarani, which it intends to look for the “Land of without evil” in comparison with the myth of the afro-descendants originating from the Caribbean, the United States and America, on the “Flying African” and what intend, a return to Africa. The myths revolve around the meeting of the Promised Land, for Indians and for afro-descendants, however with names and different circumstances, but with the same ideal. The principal objective is to demonstrate the apparent dichotomy between two myths and the incident of modification of the cultural characteristics of the text of departure in function of the interests of the culture of arrival, which for his oral tradition, were if modifying in spite of spending the times. The analysis will be carried out from the presuppositions defended by the afro-descending and native writers. Key words: Guarani, land of without evil, flying African

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