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Tipo de Material:  Revista
Título :  Revista Harvard Review of Latin America
Autor :  David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
Fecha de Publicación :  2015
Ciudad: Editorial :  Cambridge. MA , Estados Unidos : Harvard University.
Cita Sugerida :  David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. 2015. Garbage. Revista Harvard Review of Latin America, winter 2015, 14(2).
Descriptores / Subjects :  BASURA
Paginación:  84 p.
Resumen / Abstract :  Waste—its generation, collection and disposal—is a major global challenge in the 21st century. Cities are responsible for managing municipal waste. Solid waste management is, arguably, the single most important function of cities: waste that is not collected on a timely basis creates a public health hazard, and organic waste, collection vehicles, and most waste disposal methods, with the notable exception of recycling, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. But the management of waste depends in large part on the global markets for recycled materials.
Aparece en las colecciones: ReVista Harvard Review of Latin America 14(2) – Winter 2015

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