Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: The way indigenous peoples communicate with national society gains a new force – writing. In the course of time indigenous peoples used only orality to transmit their cultures from generation to generation. Indigenous Literature contributes to the self-assertion of indigenous traditions and culture, ethnic self-assertion denouncing various types of plundering and registering the culture of the most diverse ethnic groups. In this sense, the focus of this research is to investigate the representations of nature present in the works of indigenous writers, especially in the work Wisdom of the waters of Daniel Munduruku, an indigenous author who produced the most in a context of indigenous protagonism and resistance.It seeks to understand how and if the performance, through the literary production, has reverberated in political conquests for the struggle of the peoples who represent the social and political content of the authors of these narratives. To understand how the approach between Geography and Literature occurs, highlighting how the geographers read the literature and finally to analyze if the concept of nature presented in the geographical approaches has relevance or not for the perctiva of Daniel Munduruku.This qualitative research was developed based on the literature reviewed about the topics mentioned, reading of works of indigenous authors mentioned, visits to websites, blogs, pages that present information and data on the subject. In addition to participation in a specific meeting on Literature, Geography and Art.

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