Repositorio Bibliográfico Biocultural

Somos un mismo pueblo con culturas diversas

Sumario: This research was conducted in Tenta parish, Saraguro Canton, where artisanal farming practices were analyzed in different climatic zones. These practices are related to ecological and agricultural (agroecological) production, and animal husbandry. Another topic that was investigated in this research is the artisanal processing products for food consumption and sale, as a survival form to achieve food sovereignty. The methodology used for data collection was developed in several phases: first the variability of climatic zones in Tenta parish was determined by collecting information directly from farmers, especially from the biggest and oldest farms existing in the area. Interviews were used to obtain info and were conducted in different communities of the three climate zones. In addition, another main point was the observation of the knowledge practices kept in production processes, industrial processing, marketing, and consumption of the variety of products made in this area. The second part of this research consist to collect secondary information through a variety of literature sources related to food sovereignty, artisanal production networks , food processing and consumption, as well as trade in Tenta parish. The third part was based on the interpretation of the information gathered in both: the experimental field and the literature sources, generating a detailed analysis of the different forms of artisanal food production and land use in the three climatic zones in Tenta parish.

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